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Causes for Premature Wrinkles

Causes for Premature Wrinkles
The biggest cause for wrinkles is age. As we age, the changes in our skin will eventually lead to wrinkles and fine lines. However, some people get wrinkles earlier than others. What are some of the causes of premature wrinkles? 
Smoking. When you smoke, the amount of blood, oxygen and nutrient flowing to your skin is reduced. This affects the skin's natural ability to repair damage.
The sun. The sun's UV rays damages the skin. It can cause wrinkles and sun spots.
Heredity. The age that we get our first wrinkles is also determined by hereditary factors.
Facial movements. Premature wrinkles may be caused by continual and repetitive facial movements. Constant frowning will cause furrows above the eyebrows.
Stress. Stress may have a negative affect on the skin, particularly if it is accompanied by lots of facial movements.

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