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How do Anti wrinkle creams Work?

How do Anti wrinkle creams Work?

Anti wrinkle creams are special creams, formulated to help reduce the appearance of aging. There are special creams for different problems and different stages of life. There are anti wrinkle creams for people in their thirties and anti wrinkle creams for people over 50. There are also special anti wrinkle 
creams for eyes and other specific areas. This article guides you through:
What are anti-wrinkle creams?
Which are the common chemicals used in Anti-Wrinkle creams? 
To what extent anti wrinkle creams are safe?
Anti wrinkle creams are special creams, formulated to help reduce the appearance of aging. There are special creams for different problems and different stages of life. There are anti wrinkle creams for people in their thirties and anti wrinkle creams for people over 50. There are also special anti wrinkle creams for eyes and other specific areas. Even the best wrinkle creams and the best anti wrinkle eye creams do not actually remove wrinkles. Rather, they help remove dead skin and firm up the skin's overall appearance. They can also help prevent further wrinkles. Although they do not actually remove wrinkles, the overall effect of the skin can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Research is not yet conclusive as to how all anti wrinkle creams work. Some ingredients have been shown to be effective, but the reason why they are effective is not yet known. Different anti wrinkle creams work the different way. Some anti wrinkle creams work by toning up the skin, thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Others plump up the skin, filling in creases. A lot of anti wrinkle creams work with the skin's natural repairing process. They might stimulate the production of collagen or other natural substances within the skin. They can also increase the effectiveness of antioxidants within the skin. Others affect the sebaceous glands and the production of sebum.

Common Ingredients in Anti Wrinkle Creams

Common Ingredients in Anti Wrinkle Creams

Different anti wrinkle creams will use different ingredients. Some of the best wrinkle creams and the best anti wrinkle eye creams will use better ingredients (that is ingredients that have been scientifically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles). Here are some of the most common ingredients that are used in anti wrinkle creams. 

Vitamin E. Vitamin E is known to be a good vitamin for skin.

Hydroxy acids (including Alppha hydroxyl acids, beta hydroxy acids and poly hydroxy acids). Hydroxy acids are synthetic versions of the acids contained in fruit. They remove the upper layer of old dead skin and stimulate the growth of new skin.

Vitamin A (or retinol). Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A. It is anantioxidant and is used in many anti wrinkle creams.

Tretinoin (or retin-A). The effects of retin-A or tretinoin will be similar to vitamin A, as it is a similar ingredient. It can be also be used to treat acne and sun damage.

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). Alpha-lipolic acid neutralizes free radicals. It is an antioxidant and it also increases the effect of other antioxidants. It can exfoliate dead skin.

Coenzyme Q-10. Coenzyme Q-10 is more of a preventative wrinkle cream. It regulates the cells' energy production. It is also thought to protect against sun damage.

Copper peptides. Copper peptides occur naturally in the skin cells. It helps in the healing of wounds.

Kinetin. Kinetin helps the skin retain moisture and stimulates the production of collagen.
Isoflavones. Isoflavones are found in extracts of soy. They produce the same effect as estrogen. They can reduce the appearance of fine lines and age spots.

Green tea extracts. Green tea is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. It can repair damage and even prevent damage to the skin.

Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It can increase the effectiveness of vitamin E.

DMAE. DMAE is a natural substance that is found in fish like anchovies and sardines. It is meant to tone and tighten the skin.

Stretch Marks – How to Skip Them?

Stretch Marks – How to Skip Them?

Thanks to the advances of modern medicine, stretch marks removal has become the new fad for thousands of woman who wish to eliminate these 
nasty marks from their body. If you wish to prevent stretch marks there are 
several things that you need to know first. So, let's find more about stretch marks and the ways that you can combat them. 
What Are Stretch Marks?
Stretch mark, also known as striae by dermatologists, is a skin disorder produced by different kind of occurrences. However, the instance is the same; for a determined reason there is an overstretching of the skin. This interrupts the production of collagen, the protein that our body uses for connecting our tissue. 

As a consequence, a scar is produced. This phenomenon can cover a small piece of the skin or even a large one, depending on the trauma that the patient has suffered. Right now, 90% of the pregnant women in America suffer from this problem. Another interesting statistic is that 70% of adolescent females have it (this may be due to the overweight problem that affects America) and 40% of the adolescent males (in their case is due to the practice of sports). 

So, what kind of ailment can produce this? One of the most common ones is pregnancy. At the beginning of the pregnancy, the stretching of the skin is barely noticeable. However, as the months advance, it is more than obvious that the skin overstretched. Unfortunately, the majority of women do not take any measures in advanced. This affects the skin and ruins it. What is even worse, many of these women are obese adults. Imagine the state in which their skin will end. 

Another common cause, especially in the last decades when fitness and the use of chemicals become the new fad, is the striae caused by exercise. Believe it or not, when your muscle grows too fast, then the surrounding skin will be affected. That's why you should consult a professional fitness physician before starting an intensive exercise program. 

So, the question is: how to remove stretch marks? There are many ways in which we can treat and prevent stretch marks. However, all of them depend in how responsible we are with our bodies.